English Teacher Advent Calendar
Thank you for paying a visit to my advent calendar. I hope that the resources you find here will go some way to brighten up your December and ease the load when there are more festive things calling for your attention!
I'd love to know if you use any of these and how you get on with them :) By all means adapt them as you need or take the bits you want and dismiss the rest.
Please make sure that you check the 'presenter notes' as some of the suggested activities are on there.
Ellie xx
Monday December 2nd - Comparing Scrooge and The Grinch - click here.
Tuesday December 3rd - Creative Writing inspired by Bleak House - click here.
Wednesday December 4th - Analysing writer's viewpoints using a letter by Philip Larkin - click here.
Thursday December 5th - Analysing George Bernard Shaw's attitude towards Christmas - click here.
Friday December 6th - Comparing writer's viewpoints - click here.