This subscription will entitle you to a year's worth of printed copies editions of Transition Talks magazines.
Issues are released 3 times per year and will cover a wide range of educational transitions, both in terms of pastoral and curricular matters.
Due to COVID-19, issues 2-4 will be released in close succession; your subscription will run for a full year or until you have received 3 issues - whichever comes first.
Free 2nd class UK P&P included.
You can view issue 1 online for free: https://issuu.com/lottie.suki/docs/groutys-guide-transition-talks-issue-1
Where is my money going?
Transition Talks magazine is powered by volunteers. Submissions, editing and design are all currently completed for free whilst we are starting out. You money covers the cost of printing, deliver, postage and packaging :)
In the future - as our readership grows - we hope to initially reduce the cost of the magazine, before sharing profits between our contributors.
We really appreciate your support!